In previous games, when you obtain a Nugget, you can take it to the PokeMart and sell it for $5000. Submitted by: Benster247 Get More Money for Ore The Pokemon cannot be from the same different region, but one from one region and the other from another region. By breeding two Pokemon in the Daycare that is from two different regions (Japan, Europe, and America), the chance of breeding a Shiny is increased to 1 in 2048. Usually, the chance of encountering a Shiny Pokemon is 1 in 8192. Lastly, in Castelia town, the building that the GameFreak makers are in, there is one person who will, while in the room, change the music to the Team Rocket theme if you talk to him. Also, as you go lower into the caves the music gets slower.
Tower unite money glitch Pc#
You get new wallpapers for your pc box when you beat the Elite Four the first time, and then another set once you beat them a second time. Submitted by: NSIYusuke New PC Wallpapers At the very bottom there's even a personal quote you can enter that others can see when they look at your trainer card. This affects how you appear in the Wi-Fi rooms or on your friend's DS when in a trade, battle, etc. The top one is your class, and the second one is your nature. There are 2 categories underneath your name that you can change. From here, click the icon on the bottom left of the screen to bring up your trainer card. Open up your X Menu and select the option that has your name on it (your trainer card), and it'll bring you to a screen that shows all of your gym badges.

Submitted by: NSIYusuke Change Your Online Player Class and Nature If you leave their summary page and come back, they'll still be facing the way you left them. If you click their battle sprite, it'll turn around and face the other way, showing you their back sprite. Select summary and it'll bring you to a page detailing their stats. Open your party list and select a Pokemon you wish to turn around. Submitted by: Samuel-IGN Flip Your Pokemon Around on Summary Page With this same method, you can train more than six Pokemon with each visit as well. As you can trade from your boxes, you can switch your teams up and simultaneously heal them if you are having trouble with the Elite Four. Using the C-Gear's Infrared trade function combined with a second DS and game, you can pull out various Pokemon from your team between each battle with the Elite Four. Note: This requires a second DS and copy of Pokemon Black or White.